
LipoFreeze is a new, innovative way to get rid of unwanted body fat. It doesn’t require surgery and there’s no recovery time so you’ll be back to your normal routine in no time! With LipoFreeze you can remove fat in one or more of six areas:
• Abdomen
• Sides
• Inner Thighs
• Outer Thighs
• Knees
• Upper Back
LipoFreeze is a non-invasive body-sculpting treatment, designed to destroy those awkward fat cells in a few sessions. It works by controlled freezing of the areas of the body that you would like to tone.
Each LipoFreeze appointment takes around 45 minutes, during which time you can lay back on the treatment couch and relax. The area is first warmed and then rapidly cooled by the freezing temperatures to stimulate the natural process known as cryo lipolysis. Cryo lipolysis causes the crystallisation and death of fat cells, without damaging the skin. The residual fatty deposits are then absorbed safely into your body and eliminated via the lymphatic system over a course of four to six weeks following treatment.
Aside from the slight discomfort you can experience at the start of the treatment, the overall experience is a relaxing process, with no painful recovery or bed rest, and after just one treatment, can be effective on between 20-40% of fat cells in the area. The results are noticeable in 6 weeks or less!
How many sessions will I need?
ChinFreeze 2-4
Abdomen 4-8
Bra bulge 2-4
Flanks (muffin top) 4-8
Thighs 2-4
* Not a weight loss treatment. *
Consultation Required. Individual results may vary*
Downtime - No Downtime